From the bloggers

October 2014

The TechCommNZ bloggers keep you up to date with TC-related happenings and ponderings.

Just in case you think we can't talk about anything except the upcoming TechCommNZ conference, Emma Harding has put metaphorical pen to paper on the subject of batch files. She finds them incredibly useful for streamlining the publishing process for the writing team and thinks you might too (if you don't already). Take a look and leave a comment on how you use them or whether you'd like to learn more about them.

To revert to the subject of the conference for a minute, I just need to say that we go on and on about this because we want all the technical communicators in New Zealand to be there! It's such a wonderful opportunity to network and learn. However, we recognise not everyone can attend - for a variety of reasons - so we'll be sure to emit tweets and blogs galore from the conference sessions.

In the meantime, if you're interested in a peek behind the scenes, Kaye Churches has blogged about the fun she's had helping to make the conference happen.

Don't hesitate to comment on an article and share the posts on your favourite social media platforms. It's easy to subscribe so that you always know when we've posted a new blog. And if you have an article up your sleeve, please get in touch with Rhiannon, as guest contributors are welcome.