From the President

October 2015

Today I'm celebrating the finalists in the Plain English Awards - particularly those who are seeking to be PETC 2015. I'm also urging those of you who haven't renewed your membership of TechCommNZ to remind yourself of the benefits. I'm praising our sponsors to the skies. And... I'm inviting everyone to the annual AGM (Annual General Meeting), which we're holding in Auckland this year.

WriteMark Plain English Awards finalists

Who will take the gong for Plain English Technical Communicator (PETC) of 2015? The finalists are:

  • Meredith Evans - Synlait Milk
  • Sarah Wilcox - Descipher
  • Victoria Anderson - NZDF
  • Emma Adcock - OSPRI

We wish each finalist the very best, and look forward to meeting you all at the awards on November 19 in Wellington.

Have you renewed your membership yet?

If you have - thank you very much. For those still to renew or thinking of joining, we'd like to remind you that membership is very affordable, there are many direct benefits for you, and you're supporting a member organisation which is working hard for you. The "grace period" is over for anyone who hasn't renewed, so if you suddenly realise you can't book events at member rates and access the resources in the Member area, you'll need to rejoin, which of course we keenly hope you will.

Thank you to our business partners

We've recently signed several new business partners in addition to our founding partner Adobe. These include Optimal Workshop, Streamliners, NZTC International, and Write, and you can read about them on our website. We'll have a booth at the UX Conference that Optimal Workshop is running in Wellington later this month - there's a brilliant line-up of speakers and it's not too late to register. Come and say hi!

See you in Auckland in November

Finally in this round-up – it's nearly Annual General Meeting time, and this year we will hold the meeting in Auckland on Sunday, 22 November. Anyone can come to the AGM to hear reports of what we've been doing, and to have your say. We're accepting nominations for national committee, too. Our Secretary, Peter Russell, will communicate with you soon.

Until next time, thanks for reading,