TechHub in Schools

TechHub in Schools (formerly ICT-Connect) is the IT Professionals New Zealand's nationwide in-school programme, which inspires and educates young people about their future in IT. In July 2014, TechCommNZ joined the scheme as a partner organisationto reinforce our role in the IT industry, and introduce secondary school students to a career in technical communication.

What does this mean for you?

TechCommNZ exists to promote and support technical communicators in New Zealand, and the TechHub partnership is a key part of our strategy. By actively promoting our profession, we reach out to students – some of whom will aspire to a career in technical communication, and many, many others who will be requestors of our services as they enter the world of IT.

Can I participate?

Yes, you can – regardless of whether you're new to the profession or a seasoned technical communicator.

This is your chance to be part of the solution that will have the right outcomes for New Zealand's future – and for the future of young people who might otherwise not have access to knowledge about our career opportunities.

TechCommNZ is seeking presenters in the main cities and regions to stand up and tell the story of their path into technical communication. Rather than being a hefty discussion on the mechanics of technical comms, the presentation should:

  • Briefly outline what you do, giving examples that will be meaningful to the audience.
  • Explain how you got to where you are.
  • Explain why you love your job – including any "glory" aspects (name-dropping is OK!).
  • Talk about the opportunities technical communications has given you.
  • Discuss the work/life balance – including mentioning any groovy hobbies you pursue.

The guidelines from the TechHub team are:

  • Be prepared to talk for about 20 minutes and answer questions for 10 minutes.
  • Make sure your talk has a logical structure.
  • Be interesting and relevant.
  • Limit the use of company names (boring) and explain jargon if you must use it.
  • Tell a story!

If you're interested in being involved, please contact our Business Manager.